Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Matthew 6:21

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Beginning

I decided to start this blog because I wanted to document all the entertaining, cherished, and very comical days of raising our southern belle, Belle Ann. I also wanted to be able to share our daily lives with our family that don't live close so they can be amused, and sometimes bewildered, by our girl.

Let me start by giving you some background information on each member of the Carter Family.

 Tori Carter-the Mississippi Magnolia Mom. I am a very outgoing, social, and some would say a bit high maintenance, I don't see it but everyone uses this word to describe me so I've decided to embrace it. I tend to jump to conclusions and maybe talk more than I should. My husband is the exact opposite of me which is  why we compliment each other so well.
We have just moved into our new house and while I have always enjoyed decorating I have recently discovered a LOVE for making my decorations, thank you Pinterest! I am also learning how to sew. Another favorite pastime I have is reading. I'm actually kind of a big nerd when it come to reading. The only way I know how to describe it is to say I have a passion for reading. I would much rather spend my time reading a good book than watching TV. My sweet husband does not understand this way of thinking at all! There have been many times he has come to investigate why I am laughing hysterically only to sadly discover it is because of a book.
I graduated from MSU with a degree in Elementery Education. I taught my first year in Louisville, MS as a third grade teacher. After Phillip finished school the following year we were able to move back home to Hernando, MS and I have been teaching at Horn Lake Intermediate for the last five years. Three years as a third grade teacher and for two years I have been the Reading Coach and Title I Coordinator.
Belle Ann and I at the Christmas Parade

Phillip Carter- the love of my life and my very best friend. You know that saying "opposites attract?" Well that describes Phillip and I. Phillip is soft spoken, easy going, and it takes A LOT to upset him. He is the opposite of me in so many ways, but I think that is exactly the reason God chose Phillip for me.While rereading the words I chose to describe Phillip it kinda sounds like he is a pushover and this is not the case at all. I have learned that when my loving husband voices his opinion that I better hush up and listen. I have a tendency of thinking I always know what is best and don't always listen to others,a characteristic any true southern belle has, so I learned the hard way to make sure I listen when Phillip talks.
  Phillip and I met in high school, Hernando High School, and it was love at first sight, or at least I like to think of it like that. Phillip's version is a bit different. He thought I was a crazy person that tells really bad jokes. However, he did fall for me and that is how our story began.We both attended Mississippi State and my honey is a true Bulldog fan and loves everything MSU. Phillip graduated with a degree in Agronomy and is the Superintendent at Memphis National Golf Club.

Belle Ann-our southern belle. What words best describe Belle Ann? Hmmm.....hilarious, sweet, smart, stubborn, adorable, creative, sweet, headstrong, independent, and my favorite just down right hardheaded. Did you see a pattern there? Belle Ann blessed our lives on February 13, 2009. This was a Friday the 13th and I think God was having his own little joke because boy can she be a terror sometimes. Don't get me wrong I love this little girl, as I tell her, to the moon and back. She is the light of my life and in so many ways my mini me. Whenever people meet Belle Ann they always say how much she looks like my husband. After spending some time with her they very quickly comment on how she has my personality. I think it is because she is my mini me that causes us to have some of the very entertaining and highly emotional occurrences that we do.
Belle Ann  2/13/09
 Little Miss Firecracker

Poppy watching over her little sister.
Precious Princess Popadopalous Puppy- our black lab. Her nickname is Poppy but to Belle Ann she is sister. Phillip and I started discussing getting a dog soon after we got married. We had a difference of opinions when it came to the type of dog we wanted. We knew want breed we wanted, a lab of course, but Phillip wanted a dog and I wanted a baby. My mom called Phillip when she found out a friend had some lab puppies for sale. Phillip finally gave in and we got our first child. Poppy is a very important and loved member of our family. She is the sweetest, friendliest, and most hyperactive dog. Poppy loves Belle Ann and is very protective of her. Whenever someone new comes to the house she guards Belle Ann until she feels comfortable. She is not aggressive by any means but she does let you know that she is watching you. Poppy and Belle Ann spend every afternoon playing and when we leave for school Belle Ann always tells Poppy "Bye Sister!" We love our Poppy and our family wouldn't be complete without her.

I hope you enjoy reading all about my family and the wonderful adventures we have raising our southern belle.

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